Información de Precios en Origen
Calidad | Cantidad [t] | Precio Medio [€/t] |
Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra | 475,00 | 3.147,75 |
Aceite de Oliva Virgen | 100,00 | 3.057,40 |
Aceite de Oliva Lampante (B.1º) | 381,00 | 2.885,46 |
TOTAL | 637,34 | 3.060,90 |
Fecha Cotización: 05/08/2021 – Periodo última semana (30/07/2021 – 05/08/2021) Métodos de cultivo (Todos Excepto Ecológico)
From harvest to milling
Our production from our own farms is limited to our sales; For this reason, we have a close relationship with our farmers that allows us to control and monitor their harvest until the moment of milling.
If you are interested in bringing your harvest to our mill, you can contact:
Phone: +34 957 671 808 • E-mail: